3th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC’13)
Posté le 29/10/2013

The third edition of the International Conference on Systems and Control will be held on, 2013, in Algiers, Algeria. The first edition was initiated by the late Prof. E.-K. Boukas and was held in 2007 in Marrakech. The second edition was also held in 2012 in Marrakech. (Al-Jazaïr) is the capital and largest city of Algeria. Called El-Behdja or alternatively “Algiers the White” for the glistening white of its buildings as seen rising up from the sea, Algiers is situated on the west side of a bay of the Mediterranean Sea. The modern part of the city is built on the level ground by the seashore; the old part, the ancient city of the deys, climbs the steep hill behind the modern town and is crowned by the Casbah or citadel. This event will provide the opportunity for worldwide researchers and practitioners to share together the latest developments and new trends in systems and control. Both theoretical and applied papers are welcomed for submission to this event. Keynote speeches are to be conducted by well-known experts in systems and control.


Honorary Chairs

Elena Maria Valcher, Italy Panos Antsaklis, USA Hasan Khalil, USA

General Chairs

Mohamed Boudour, Algeria Abdelaziz Hamzaoui, France Mohamed Djemai, France

Program Chairs

Joseba Quevedo, Spain Driss Mehdi, France

Coordination Chair and Member Representative IEEE CSS

Abdel Aitouche, France

Invited Sessions Chairs

Abdellah Benzaouia, Morocco Lotfi Baghli, Algeria

Publication Chairs

Agyrios Zolotas, United Kingdom Fernando Tadeo, Spain

Tutorial-Workshop Chairs

Fatiha Nejjari, Spain Belkacem Ould Bouamama, France

Publicity Chairs

Mohamed Seghir Boucherit , Algeria Chafouk Houcine, France Mohamed Menaa, Algeria

Best Papers Award Chairs

Vincent Cocquempot, France Mohamed Chaabane, Tunisia Abdelkader Larabi, Algeria

Registration & Finance Chairs:

Bouziane Boussahoua, Algeria Nourredine Manamanni, France

Local Arrangements Chairs:

Slimane Bouazabia, Algeria Youcef Ouazir, Algeria Amirouche Nait seghir, Algeria Ahmed Amine Ladjici, Algeria Ahmed Boubakeur, Algeria Khaled Belarbi, Algeria Hasni Mourad, Algeria

Topics of interest include but not limited:

Bond Graphs Linear and nonlinear systems Modeling of complex systems Robust control and Hinf control Hybrid dynamical systems, Variable structure Systems, Discrete event systems Stochastic control Estimations and identification Observation and Observer, Intelligent and AI based control Multivariable control Mathematical systems theory Embedded Systems Process control and instrumentation Control of telecommunications systems Transportation Systems Control applications    Control Education Guidance and control theory Motion control Optimal control Real time systems Mechatronics Networks optimization Fault Diagnosis Power systems Modeling and simulation Optimization Fault Tolerant Control Data Communications Time-delay systems Fuzzy and neural systems Industrial control Robotics Manufacturing systems Control algorithms implementation Renewable Energy Robot


Paper submission:

Papers must be submitted electronically via the Web upload system only the guidelines are given at the ICSC’13: http://lias.labo.univ-poitiers.fr/icsc/icsc2013 All papers must be written in English and should describe original work. Full papers should be submitted in standard IEEE double-column format for conferences. The first page of the paper, centred on the top below the top margin, should include the paper title, the authors' names and their affiliations, an abstract, and keywords. Six pages are allowed for each paper. Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process, coordinated by the Program Chairs and the IPC. The authors are invited to submit the full version of their manuscripts online through website : http://lias.labo.univ-poitiers.fr/icsc/icsc2013or the online paper submission http://controls.papercept.net/

Important Dates:

Submission site opening: December 15st, 2012 Submission of draft papers: May 29th, 2013 Invited session Proposal: May 6th , 2013 Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 15th , 2013 Final version due: September 16 , 2013 Congress opening: October 28th, 2013 This conference is sponsored technicality by IEEE Control Systems Society http://www.ieeecss.org/. Accepted papers will be published in the electronic Conference Proceedings (CD ROM through IEEE) and included in IEEE XPLORE database. Special issues of selected papers will be published in top journals

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