Journée FSTGAT et l’Université de Kyushu (Japon)
Posté le 10/10/2012

Cycle de conférences dans le cadre de la coopération scientifique entre la FSTGAT/USTHB et l'Université de Kyushu (Japon).



9h – 9h 30 : Dr. Kotaro Yonezu; "REE Geochemistry in Weathered or Hydrothermally Altered Rocks."


9h 30 – 10h : Tatsuro Adachi, Yasuhito Osanai and Nobuhiko Nakano: "LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating and FE-EPMA U-Th-Pb monazite dating systems at the Kyushu University."


10h – 10h 15 pause café..


10h 15 – 10h 45 : Pr. Saibi Hakim: "The Global Energy Challenge and Geothermal Energy "


10h 45 – 11h 15 : Nobuhiko Nakano , Yasuhito Osanai, Nguyen Van Nam, Tran Van Tri: "Bauxite to Eclogite at Plate Convergence Zone: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Aluminous Granulites from the Red River Shear Zone, Northern Vietnam."


11h 45 – 12h15 : Mr; Suga: "Characteristic Features of Gold Mineralization at the Keisen No. 3-1 Vein, Sanjin deposit, Hishikari Mine, Japan."