11th International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS’2013)
Posté le 22/04/2013

General information

The International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS) is a biennial event that brings together top researchers in Computer Science from all over the world to present and discuss recent research in various areas of the field. Part of the strength of ISPS is indeed that it gives a chance to create fruitful discussions among computer scientists from various domains and consequently to open avenues of cross fertilization. This is often lacking in conferences where research results get presented to more and more “restricted” audiences, which prevents from reaping full benefits from research ideas and results (across areas).

ISPS is already at its eleventh edition, a clear sign of quality and maturity! Since its very first edition in 1991, the growth has indeed been steady and substantial till the 10th edition held in April 2011. The latter has logically earned the IEEE label and the conference papers were indexed through IEEE Xplore. For the 2013 edition, we have also received the technical sponsorship of IEEE subsection Algeria, which will ensure the continuation of the high quality of the conference.

ISPS now benefits from the expertise of an international committee of quality technical reviewers. The papers are reviewed according to international standards via the Easy Chair conference system. In addition to the accepted papers, 4 to 5 top-quality invited speakers will give presentations in key areas of computing, showing new avenues of research and presenting their state-of-the art results. All details may be found in the Call For Papers.


General Chair Pr. Ahmed Guessoum, USTHB University

Program Committee Chair Pr. Yassine Djouadi, USTHB University

Organising Committee Chair Dr. Abdelhakim Aitzai, USTHB University

Paper submission

All submissions will be handled electronically via the easy Chair conference system https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isps2013 and will go through a double-blind review process. Detailed instructions will be made available


Best paper awards Prizes will be given to the three best papers.

Social events

A trip to the Casbah (historical part of Algiers) or to the Roman ruins in splendid sea-side Tipaza will be organised.

Important dates

First CFP: 27/09/2012

Final CFP:15/11/2012

Full paper Submission Deadline: 14/01/2013  25/01/2013

Notification of acceptance:25/02/2013 01/03/2013

Camera-ready paper:11/03/2013 18/03/2013

Registration: 05/04/2013



