Artificial Intelligence Doctorials
Posté le 20/05/2012

CALL FOR STUDENT PAPERS AID’2012 Laboratory for Research in Artificial Intelligence (LRIA) USTHB, 20-21 May, 2012



Conference Chair

Prof. Habiba DRIAS, LRIA, USTHB, Algeria

Program Committee Chair

Prof. Ahmed Guessoum, LRIA, USTHB, Algeria

Program Committee

Prof. Amar Aissani Dr. Youcef Aklouf Dr. Saliha Aouat Dr. Hamid Azzoune Dr. Fatima Zohra Belkredim Dr. Nacera Bensaou Dr. Thouraya Bouabana Tebibel (ESI, Algiers) Dr. Dalila Boughaci Dr. Narhimene Boustia Prof. Habiba Drias Dr. Mohamed Feredj Prof. Ahmed Guessoum Dr. Amar Isli Dr. Nadjet Kamel Dr. Samir Kechid Dr. Faiza Khellaf-Haned Prof. Slimane Larabi Dr. Fatiha Mamache Prof. Aicha Mokhtari-Aissani Dr. Feriel Souami Dr. Youcef Zaffoune

Organizing Committee Chair

Dr. Saliha Aouat, LRIA, USTHB, Algeria

Organizing Committee Co-Chair

Ms. Hadia Mosteghanemi, LRIA, USTHB, Algeria

Organizing Committee (All PhD Students, USTHB)

Mr. Riyadh Belkebir Mr. Yakoub Bouchenine Ms. Aicha Boutorh Mr. Mohamed Lamine Chemchem Mr. Youcef Djenouri Mr. Izem Hamouchene Mr. Ilyes Khennak Ms. Hadjer Lacheheb

Paper Submission

All papers for AID’2012 should be submitted by email to in pdf format. Submissions must bear the names of the authors, their status, and affiliation. The papers must be limited to 10 pages and written in English.















The Laboratory for Research in Artificial Intelligence (LRIA) of the Computer Science Department at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) organises the Second Artificial Intelligence Doctorials (AID’2012) to be held at USTHB on the 20th and 21st of May 2012. This event is directed towards all doctoral students (Ecole Doctorale, Doctorat, Doc- torat LMD) who work on topics related to Artificial Intelligence. It is meant to give them an op- portunity to present their fairly mature research work and get an opportunity to discuss it with experts from the area. A number of international and local speakers will also be invited to give lectures on leading-edge research in intelligent systems. The purpose of AID’2012 being to provide a forum for doctoral students at the university to present their research work, developments, and applications in the area of artificial intelli- gence or on related topics, the best papers will be selected and their authors will be given a chance to present them at the Doctorials. Paper submissions are welcome from all areas of contemporary Artificial Intelligence. These include, but are not limited to, the following areas:



Machine intelligence

Agents & Multi-agent Systems Reasoning under Uncertainty Problem solving and meta-heuristics Constraints & Search Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Machine Learning Knowledge discovery and data mining Nature-Inspired Computing Natural Language Processing Planning & Scheduling Vision, Image Analysis and Robotics Pattern Recognition Ambient Intelligence Qualitative and temporal reasoning All languages and environments Cognitive Modeling & Interaction


Web Intelligence

Intelligent Human-Web Interaction Web Information Filtering &Retrieval Electronic Commerce Conversational Systems Browsing and Exploration Adaptive Web User Profiling/Clustering Negotiation Systems Security, Privacy, and Trust Web Mining and Farming Social Networks Mining Bioinformatics Semantic Web Web Agents Knowledge Grids & Grid Intelligence Intelligent e-Technology


Review Process

All submitted papers will go through a light review process.


Important Dates :

Deadline for paper submission: April 6, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2012 Camera-ready paper due: April 27, 2012