10th International Symposium on Programming and Systems
Posté le 25/04/2011

April 25-27, 2011 Algiers, Algeria

Conference Chair

Malika BOUKALA, USTHB University

Program Committee Chair

Abdelkader BELKHIR, USTHB University

Organizing Committee Chair

Abdelhakim AIT ZAI, USTHB University

Paper submission

All submissions will be handled electronically and posted on the conference website in PDF format. Submissions must be anonymous, limited to 8 pages and written in English language. Detailed instructions are available in the website.

Review Process and Proceeding edition

All papers submitted to ISPS2011 will be reviewed by three reviewers. Papers that have been conditionally accepted will be reviewed again after re-submission. Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings and distributed at the conference.

General Information

For more information about the ISPS2011 conference please visit the web site at: http://www.isps2011.dz .

Important dates

  • Submission of full paper: January 06, 2011
  • Notification of acceptance: March 3, 2011
  • Camera-ready paper: March 20, 2011
  • Registration: April 3, 2011


Following the International Symposium on Programming and Systems, the 10th in the series will be organized by the Computer Science Department of the University of Science and Technology HOUARI BOUMEDIENNE (Algiers, ALGERIA) and will be held in Algiers, April 25-27, 2011.


ISPS’2011 is dedicated to bring together scientists from the world over, particularly from developing countries, to share and exchange knowledge, experience and most recent developments in computer science research.


ISPS’2011 conference invites paper submissions presenting original work within a range of topics (not limited):

Formal programming and systems

  • Programming: theory and practice
  • Systems : theory and practice

Web technologies

  • Software
  • Knowledge
  • Architecture
  • Adaptation

Systems, Networks and security

  • Networks programming
  • Security systems
  • Communications system


Abbes Amira UK
Leila Amgoud France
Mohamed Batouche Saudi Arabia
Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano Mexico
Salem Benferhat France
Abdel Belaid France
Belaid Benhamou France
Djamel Bouchaffra USA
Gerhard Brewka Germany
Mehdi Dastani Netherlands
Noureddine Djedi Algeria
Chabane Djeraba France
Habiba Drias Algeria
Matjaz Gams  Slovenia
Zahia Guessoum France
Daniel Kayser France
A. Henni Algeria
Costas Kotropoulos Greece
Josep LLados Spain
M. T. Laskri Algeria
Slimane Larabi Algeria
Ramon López de Mántaras Spain
Simone Marinai Italy
Philippe Marthon France
G.erhard Rigoll Germany
Angel D. Sappa Spain
Mokhtar Sellami Algeria
Dan Simovici USA
El-ghazali. Talbi France
Filip Zelezny, Czech Republic
Djemel Ziou Canada
Lefteris Angelis Greece
Yamine Ait-Ameur France
Kamel Barkaoui France
Ladjel Bellatreche France
Djamal Benslimane France
Choukri Ben-Yelles France
Mahmoud Boufaida, Algeria







Zizette Boufaida Algeria
Mohand Boughanem France
Athman Bouguettaya Australia
Manfred Broy Germany
Christine Choppy France
Alfredo Cuzzocrea Italy
Nobert Fuhr Germany
Heinrich Hussmann Germany
Jean-Michel Ilié France
Malika Ioualalen Algeria
Ashfaq A. Khokhar USA
Brahim Medjahed USA
M. Mezghiche Algeria
Ralf Möller Germany
Selmin Nurcan France
Mourad Oussalah France
Mourad Ouzzani USA
Laure Petrucci France
Colette Rolland France
Zaidi Sahnoun Algeria
Houari Sahraoui Canada
Christphe Sibertin-Blanc France
Malik SI-MOHAMMED Algeria
Malik Zaki USA
Amar Aissani Algeria
Carminati Barbara Italy
Saad Biaz USA
Raouf Boutaba Canada
Claudio E. Casetti Italy
Abdelouahid Derhab Algeria
Henrique J. L. Domingos Portugal
Mouloud Koudil Algeria
Madjid Merabti UK
Nidal Nasser Canada
Aris M. Ouksel USA
Orazio Tomarchio Italy
Magda El Zarki USA